Thursday, 29 March 2012


By the end of today (or by tomorrow 12noon if you REALLY want to cut it fine), you must have uploaded your FINAL version of your 'Constructed Film' to YouTube.

You must:

Upload it in the best HD possible (think it's 1084HD)

Call it: 'Mac (insert number) AS - 2012 - '(title of your film)'

so it'd look like this on YouTube:

Mac 2 AS - 2012 - 'Fragile'

Eventually, I need to copy all of your films onto a hard drive and put them all on Mac 6 ready to be ripped to DVD for the moderator - but we'll do that on the Thursday lesson when we get back after Easter - in the meantime, how are the Evaluations coming along??

1 comment:

  1. Hi miss,
    I know i already asked but could you confirm the blog clsing date for me please. I was also wonderind which "Gadget" i add to the top of my blog in which i can put the final film opening, the prelim and the evaluation.
