You must:
Upload it in the best HD possible (think it's 1084HD)
Call it: 'Mac (insert number) AS - 2012 - '(title of your film)'
so it'd look like this on YouTube:
Mac 2 AS - 2012 - 'Fragile'
Eventually, I need to copy all of your films onto a hard drive and put them all on Mac 6 ready to be ripped to DVD for the moderator - but we'll do that on the Thursday lesson when we get back after Easter - in the meantime, how are the Evaluations coming along??
Hi miss,
ReplyDeleteI know i already asked but could you confirm the blog clsing date for me please. I was also wonderind which "Gadget" i add to the top of my blog in which i can put the final film opening, the prelim and the evaluation.