Tuesday 7 February 2012

Sec B - Half Term Task

This is a straightforward piece of content analysis that can lead to interesting data for your exam.

Collect cinema listings for five multi-screen UK cinemas in a specific region. This can easily be done via the internet - simply select a big city and go from there.

1. Over one weekend, how many separate screenings are there?

2. How many films in total are being exhibited?

3. How many films are being screened several times at the same cinema?

4. Of these, how many are being screened at more than one cinema at the same time?

5. Express the number of unique screenings as a percentage of the total screenings.

6. Express the total number of films in relation to the total number of screenings.

7. What conclusions can you draw about film distribution in the UK?

Show all your findings on your blog in a Sec B post. Be creative - think prezi, pie charts, graphs, screen shots of your chosen cinema, url links to their website etc.

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