Tuesday 21 February 2012

The 7 Deadly Question Topics for Sec B:


1. The issues raised by media ownership in contemporary media practice - Megan/Elisha

2. The importance of cross media convergence and synergy in production, distribution and marketing - Alyce/Sohpie

3. The technologies that have been introduced in recent years at the levels of production, distribution, marketing and exchange - Letisha/Stella

4. The significance of proliferation in hardware and content for institutions and audiences - Cherice

5. The importance of technological convergence for institutions and audiences - Charlotte

6. The issues raised in the targeting of national and local audiences (British) by international or global institutions - Lois/Daisy

7. The ways in which your own experiences of media consumption illustrate wider patterns and trends of audience behaviour.

e-book Activity:

This must be completed by Tuesday.

Thursday 16 February 2012

Horror Genre - Filmmaking

Here's an interesting article from the Guardian a couple of days ago:
It's all about how they made Eel Marsh House in the Woman In Black - v cleverly done and always a good idea to be researching other genres other than the one you've chosen for your film construction.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Thank you

Here's the finished prezi for that Teaching & Learning presentation I did today:

Thanks again (to you all for shushing) for your help - much appreciated!

Access the e-book!

Pages 122 - 158

Institutions and Audiences introduction and Film chapter.

Sec B Definitions

To succeed in Section B of the exam you need to develop a couple of case studies on some particular production companies.

These institutions must be located in the contemporary film industries and they must produce and/or distribute films to the UK. The focus will be on how this institution relates to:

PRODUCTION: making films

DISTRIBUTION: promoting films and getting them into cinemas and out on to DVD as well as any spin offs/related media products.

CONSUMPTION: people paying at the cinema, renting or buying DVDs and downloading and purchasing related products.

Sec B - Half Term Task

This is a straightforward piece of content analysis that can lead to interesting data for your exam.

Collect cinema listings for five multi-screen UK cinemas in a specific region. This can easily be done via the internet - simply select a big city and go from there.

1. Over one weekend, how many separate screenings are there?

2. How many films in total are being exhibited?

3. How many films are being screened several times at the same cinema?

4. Of these, how many are being screened at more than one cinema at the same time?

5. Express the number of unique screenings as a percentage of the total screenings.

6. Express the total number of films in relation to the total number of screenings.

7. What conclusions can you draw about film distribution in the UK?

Show all your findings on your blog in a Sec B post. Be creative - think prezi, pie charts, graphs, screen shots of your chosen cinema, url links to their website etc.