Wednesday, 25 January 2012

How to attach a URL to an image in your blog..

If you don't already know how to attach a URL to an image (like I've been doing with the little screen shots of the articles and then when you click on the pic, it takes you to the full article), here's how:

Or if anyone knows a more user-friendly way, let us know!

Sec B - Great Articles

A couple more great articles for you to use for your research/case studies of Sec B of the exam:

Monday, 9 January 2012

Sec B - Super Article

ANOTHER great article from today's Guardian about what'll come up in Sec B of the exam - obviously from the pic, it's all about how Netflix is revolutionising how most Americans watch/access their films - brilliant!: (click on the image for the full article)

Read the article/essay very carefully - it is exACTly the right style of writing you'll require for sec b...

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Where Are All Your Vlogs???

Where are they?

I've just looked at every one of your blogs and commented on them all, and it struck me that NOT ONE OF YOU has produced a vlog since the one that I did for you in groups in a lesson before Christmas..

Shame on you all.

Get a vlog on there before Tuesday please, Thur at the latest.

For Elisha..

Absolutely love this series - thought the first was brilliant, but after the first ep of season two, this promises to be even better! AND is British TV drama!! Excellent!

Particularly love the camera technique used at 0:19 - cash prize to any group that can reproduce that..

Told You The iTV's Coming...!

It's like The Guardian was ear-wigging in on our lesson on Thursday:

Click on the image above for the full article and then BLOG ABOUT THIS VERY SAME THING ON YOUR BLOG!! Is a brilliant piece of writing about the VERY thing we were discussing on Thur - all about tech convergence and distribution of films etc..

See how easy it should be for you, as a cutting-edge Media student, to be 'on' this topic - researching and preparing for your sec B of the exam??!!