Thursday, 24 November 2011

For Mac 1..

One of our A2 students, Joely Moore, posted this comment on my blog for you lot:

This is great for your archiving of any feedback - might be worth going on to her blog and acknowledging this...

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Uploading to YouTube

When you're uploading clips to YouTube, remember to always alter the 'edit info' section so that you've got 'DON'T ALLOW COMMENTS' checked - otherwise, some nasty people out there may comment on your footage and we don't want that.

Group Updates for Me..

Mac 4 went first with their chat and explanation of their most marvellous sketches (remember to always go over your storyboard sketches with a black pen - shows up better on screen) and their horror spoof idea:

And then Mac 1 gave us their prep storyboards ready for their Thursday filming Free Pass this Thursday: