Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Groups - Sorted

Yay! Am so relieved, you all sorted out your groups today:

Mac 1:
Megan, Elisha, Sophie and Alyce

Mac 2:
Cherice, Stella and Letisha

Mac 3:
Caroline and Charlotte

Mac 4:
Sanan, Lois, Holly and Daisy

AND we got through two prelims, so we're aiming for equipment out to everyone on Thursday - then you can start experimenting with the cameras and iMovie, like this:

Monday, 26 September 2011

Filming the Prelims

Tuesday's lesson is filming of your Prelims.

I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Don't forget, what you're saying has got nothing to do with the actual task - it's your ability to show match-on-action (great definitions, Sanan and Lois!) and the 180-degree rule.

So we'll film using the flips tomorrow and I'll show you the basics in uploading footage and editing.

e-book from OCR

We've got textbooks for you all in the form of an e-book.

To access it, click on this link (also on the link at the side of my blog):


Our Centre ID is 30169, your user id login (all of you - you don't have individual logins) is ocrmedas and your password is student.

It's what we'll be working from for my bit and I know Ms Fitzjohn'll be accessing it for her TV Drama section so make yourself familiar with it so it won't be a shock when we want you to access it later on in the course.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Commenting on my blog

If I comment on your blog at all (which I will, many many times - at least once a week for everyone) and you want to reply to anything, don't do it on your own blog in the comment thread as I won't see it..

Find the latest post on my blog and post your own comment there - that way, I'll be pinged and then I'll know I have to read something, and reply again etc etc.

Unless we're arguing about something.. then it might get a bit tedious.

Elisha's blog..

Whilst setting up Holly's blog with her, I noticed Elisha's...

I think it would be in everyone's best interests to have a look at her blog as it is outstanding already...

Well done Elisha - love the 'look' of your blog - the camera background really suits it.

Essential Techniques to Learn

Learn the terms for all these different shots and techniques, for a written TEST (oh yes) on Tue 20 Sept..

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Friday, 9 September 2011

First Lesson of the Course

Yesterday was the first lesson, where 12 (plus Holly who's just joined us today) students embarked on their AS Media Studies course.

9 months of researching, planning, sketching, viewing, arguing, storyboarding, crying, photographing, soundtracking, crediting, editing, moaning, shooting (not with a gun, a camera), blogging, re-shooting, evaluating, celebrating...

You've got a long way to go - exciting, eh?

Don't forget, for Tuesday's lesson, I want you to have gone through last year's students blogs, thoroughly, and be able to talk about them to the rest of the class.