Sunday, 11 December 2011

Representation of Women in the Media??

What do you think of this ad:

I'd be intrigued to hear your opinions - is this funny? Or are you outraged?

Do you agree with Clark, in that the funniest girl is the one at the bus-stop tucking into a burger for breakfast?

Best TV Drama EVER!!

Haven't had this conversation with you lot yet, but if you don't know, Shane Meadows' most amazing TV Drama, the 'This Is England' franchise is on for it's 3rd outing this week:

It started life as a film - 'This Is England':

which was followed up by the TV series of just 4 episodes of 'This Is England '86'

- there was an outpouring of controversy that surrounded the 3rd episode (click on the bold), but Meadows was unflinching in his portrayal of the lives of the 'gang' in '86...

It's on this Tue 13 Dec at 10pm - do not miss it!

Thursday, 24 November 2011

For Mac 1..

One of our A2 students, Joely Moore, posted this comment on my blog for you lot:

This is great for your archiving of any feedback - might be worth going on to her blog and acknowledging this...

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Uploading to YouTube

When you're uploading clips to YouTube, remember to always alter the 'edit info' section so that you've got 'DON'T ALLOW COMMENTS' checked - otherwise, some nasty people out there may comment on your footage and we don't want that.

Group Updates for Me..

Mac 4 went first with their chat and explanation of their most marvellous sketches (remember to always go over your storyboard sketches with a black pen - shows up better on screen) and their horror spoof idea:

And then Mac 1 gave us their prep storyboards ready for their Thursday filming Free Pass this Thursday:

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Mac 1 - Saw this and thought of you...

Love the editing with the bike shots - thought this would be similar to what you lot were talking about during last lesson before half term - I could be really out of date with what you're currently aiming for but thought would share it with you anyway.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Post from Pete

Thanks to Megan for this:

Vlogs - done!

You are all brilliant - first group EVER to get your first films all onto your blogs before the given deadline...

Am really really proud/impressed by your first 'vlogs' (thank you Cherice for reminding me that's what they're called) and after chatting with Letisha today, think they're actually better than written text on your blogs...

Obviously, you've still got to have text somewhere but I see your blogs absolutely littered with your vlogs - make sure you number them (some of you already have) so we can see an easy record of them.

Outstanding - well done to everyone!

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

The Usual Suspects

This is the opening scene to one of the best films ever made.

It starts with the end - something mentioned by Elisha in her indv archive - and therefore raises so many great questions, but at the same time, totally captivating the audience:

Monday, 10 October 2011

Individual Film Archives

Well done to Stella - who is the ONLY one to have recorded and uploaded her individual assessment of the last few weeks..

So when I say 'no one', I really mean, 'everyone apart from Stella':


Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Prelims - Congrats to Mac 3

... And the same to Charlotte and Caroline of Mac 3!!

Excellent editing, you two - looking forward to your outtakes.

Prelims - Congrats to Mac 1

... And the same applause to Mac 1, who've also finished their prelim:

Although am waiting with bated breath for your nasty, cruel outtakes...

Prelims - Congrats to Mac 4

First Prelim - edited and uploaded - AND, is first one at ECS to have a split screen shot!

Well done to Lois, Daisy, Sanan and Holly - problem is.... if your prelim's this good, where're you going to go from here to make your film even better?!?

The other groups - I want your prelims edited and uploaded to YouTube by Thursday - during Thur's lesson, we'll be editing all the footage you shot today (running around the graveyard, chasing policemen - that kind of thing) - looking at transitions, colours, audio detaching, pace of footage etc

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Groups - Sorted

Yay! Am so relieved, you all sorted out your groups today:

Mac 1:
Megan, Elisha, Sophie and Alyce

Mac 2:
Cherice, Stella and Letisha

Mac 3:
Caroline and Charlotte

Mac 4:
Sanan, Lois, Holly and Daisy

AND we got through two prelims, so we're aiming for equipment out to everyone on Thursday - then you can start experimenting with the cameras and iMovie, like this:

Monday, 26 September 2011

Filming the Prelims

Tuesday's lesson is filming of your Prelims.

I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Don't forget, what you're saying has got nothing to do with the actual task - it's your ability to show match-on-action (great definitions, Sanan and Lois!) and the 180-degree rule.

So we'll film using the flips tomorrow and I'll show you the basics in uploading footage and editing.

e-book from OCR

We've got textbooks for you all in the form of an e-book.

To access it, click on this link (also on the link at the side of my blog):

Our Centre ID is 30169, your user id login (all of you - you don't have individual logins) is ocrmedas and your password is student.

It's what we'll be working from for my bit and I know Ms Fitzjohn'll be accessing it for her TV Drama section so make yourself familiar with it so it won't be a shock when we want you to access it later on in the course.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Commenting on my blog

If I comment on your blog at all (which I will, many many times - at least once a week for everyone) and you want to reply to anything, don't do it on your own blog in the comment thread as I won't see it..

Find the latest post on my blog and post your own comment there - that way, I'll be pinged and then I'll know I have to read something, and reply again etc etc.

Unless we're arguing about something.. then it might get a bit tedious.

Elisha's blog..

Whilst setting up Holly's blog with her, I noticed Elisha's...

I think it would be in everyone's best interests to have a look at her blog as it is outstanding already...

Well done Elisha - love the 'look' of your blog - the camera background really suits it.

Essential Techniques to Learn

Learn the terms for all these different shots and techniques, for a written TEST (oh yes) on Tue 20 Sept..

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Friday, 9 September 2011

First Lesson of the Course

Yesterday was the first lesson, where 12 (plus Holly who's just joined us today) students embarked on their AS Media Studies course.

9 months of researching, planning, sketching, viewing, arguing, storyboarding, crying, photographing, soundtracking, crediting, editing, moaning, shooting (not with a gun, a camera), blogging, re-shooting, evaluating, celebrating...

You've got a long way to go - exciting, eh?

Don't forget, for Tuesday's lesson, I want you to have gone through last year's students blogs, thoroughly, and be able to talk about them to the rest of the class.